Who We Are

In 1949, the Wood County Conservation League originally leased the current property for $300.00 per year. We would like to thank the founders that eventually purchased the property for the Club and renamed the organization Heart of Wisconsin Sportsman’s Club. We are situated on 160 acres, 120 acres of which are enrolled in the managed forest land program. We have many acres of mature timber to support area wildlife.

The Heart boasts eight (8) trap fields with state of the art “Pat Traps” and “Canterbury” voice release systems. We are also proud of our two (2) modern skeet fields, 5 Stand and modern Club House facility. All fields are fully lighted.

President – John Wilke

Vice President – Bill Nieman

Treasurer – Val Heinrichs

Secretary – Rod Crawford

Board of Directors

  • Wayne Nichols
  • Bill Esselman
  • Will Elliott
  • Forrest Young
  • Rich Rawson
  • Tim Ward
  • Tom Sorenson
  • Rob Murphy
  • Jason John

The Heart of Wisconsin Sportsman’s Club is dedicated to the education of safe and proper firearm handling. We excel in handicap trap and skeet shooting. You will experience shooting with some of the best shooters in the state of Wisconsin.

Year Round Hours

Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Sundays: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

**Closed during Wisconsin Deer Gun Season

May thru September

Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Thursdays: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Summer League

Wednesdays: 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

Club Meetings

January through October: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

New members and visitors are always welcome at the Heart!

2025 Membership Prices:

New member – Single: $30.00 – Family $35.00

Renewal prices – Single: $25.00 – Family – $30.00

Life memberships – $250.00

**As of October 8, 2015, The Board of Directors voted to have ALL memberships come due January first.

Please carry your membership card at all times, for it also serves as an identification card against trespassing, in case you are on our land when the Club is not open.

See “Hours of operation” on this website for days and times we are open.

Shooters you need to be aware, no rifles or pistols are allowed on the club grounds. This is posted on the club sign at the entrance of the driveway.

Shooting Fees

As a member of the Heart you will be able to take advantage of the lower target prices

Members pay $5.00 per/25 targets for trap or skeet shooting.

Members pay $7.00 per/25 targets for 5 stand.

Non-members pay $7.00 per/25 targets for trap or skeet shooting.

Non-members pay $9.00 per/25 targets for 5 stand.

Juniors pay $4.00 per/25 targets for trap or skeet shooting.

Members are exempt from paying the $10.00 league fees charged to non-members when joining a league.

You may decide to become a Life Member. Life Memberships are available for a one-time fee of $250.00. This Life Membership will give you all the benefits of a member plus you never have to worry about yearly membership fees again.

Gift certificates are available for shooting and merchandise.

Please call for additional information at 715-325-5163 or e-mail us at; www.heartofwisc@gmail.com


  • Memberships – If you haven’t renewed your membership, please do so by stopping at the clubhouse during open hours.
  • Summer hours – In May we start summer hours, this includes Thursday nights and Saturdays.
  • Summer League – Starts May 7th and runs for 14 weeks, ending August 6th. Keep the below dates in mind.
  • Wednesday April 9th – Captains Meeting. Get your team signed up and we’ll review the summer league rules.
  • Wednesday April 30th at 6:30pm – Practice night. Bring your team out to shoot 2 rounds of practice. Traps are 1st come 1st served.
  • Wednesday May 7th – 1st league night. Team times will be assigned and posted in the clubhouse, on the website and Facebook.
  • If you’re looking to join a team, we have a signup sheet posted in the clubhouse. There are usually teams looking for a shooter or sub.
  • June 20, 21 & 22 – We will be hosting the handicap and doubles events for the state SCTP shoot. On those days we will have no open shooting.


 Fall Jack-Rabbit league Results

Meetings are every third Tuesday at 7:00 pm; January through October.

League Information

2024 Wednesday Night Summer Handicap Trap League Rules
These rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Summer League Rules Committee.

  1. Each team will consist of 5 regular shooters or 6-man rotation.
  2. There is a mandatory membership requirement for all league shooters. Either a $10.00 summer league only membership or an annual membership ($30.00 new individual-$35.00 new family) must be paid before the 2nd week of league. Any individual non-member sub must also purchase either membership after their 4th week as a sub for any team. Fees are the responsibility of the team captain. See Secretary for the $10.00 league membership sign up paper.
  3. Starting time will be 6:30 p.m. Practice night will be April 24th. First league night will begin May 1st and continue for 14 weeks, thru July 31st. 
  4. Sponsor & entry fee will be $50.00 per team. Due on or before May 1st.
  5. Team target fees of $50 ($10/shooter) are to be paid by the captain to the cashier each Wednesday prior to shooting.
  6. Any junior shooting on an adult team will pay $10 for 50 targets. Juniors who shoot on a junior team will be shooting at the 5:30 and will pay $9. High Average and High Gun will be awarded.
  7. Once sponsorship, membership and shooting fees are paid, there will be no refunds.
  8. Qualifying weeks will be: first week- 20 yds, second week- 22 yds, third week- 24 yds and fourth week- 26 yds. Juniors will shoot at 16 yds. The second week will be handicapped yardage. Scores on the qualification rounds WILL NOT be posted until after the fourth week.
  9. After the first four weeks of qualifying teams will be placed in one of five classes (number of classes subject to change). Any team or person that does not wish to shoot the qualification rounds will remain at their average and not be given the 5-bird deduction. On the fifth week, teams in each class will start on handicapped yardage determined by the number of teams and their qualifying scores. The highest qualifying team will shoot the longest yardage; lowest qualifying team will shoot the shortest yardage. Qualifying scores will then be posted. Random draw will determine all team time slots.
  10. Teams can volunteer to move up a class on night of classification with approval from the Board of Directors.
  11. Each week after classification the first-place team in each class will be separated from the second-place team by two yds. Multiple teams in the same class may shoot at the same yardage.
  12. Prior to the fifth week, check the scheduled shooting times as each class will shoot at the same time slot (if possible).
  13. If a shooter is not present to shoot the first 25 targets, s/he can make up those targets on the next available time slot providing the shooter is present and on time for the second round.
  14. Any error in scoring, during shooting, must be corrected before shooter shoots again. Any error must be corrected that night, or the error will stand. The Heart will post all scores each week. Captains do not post scores. Sub scores must be marked as a sub. Cross off regular shooters name, put subs name next to the person they are subbing for and write sub after their name.
  15. Captains are responsible for checking shooting time, trap and yardage on their courtesy pre-made score sheet against the posted score sheet. Any discrepancies need to be brought to the attention of a Board Director or Officer so the error can be fixed before shooting begins. If a captain is negligent verifying any of the above and in the event the team shoots at an incorrect time, trap or yardage, the team will be responsible for arranging to re-shoot on a different night at all the correct criteria, pay a scorer (if needed) and pay the normal fee for league night.
  16. Field judges will be a Board Director. Listing of Directors is posted on the board.
  17. Trap #1 may be available as a practice/breakdown trap depending on the number of teams. Traps will be set between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m. Once the traps are set there will be no adjustment of the trap by any shooter other than a Board of Director. ATA rules apply for adjusting traps. Any adjustments must be made prior to shooting.
  18. If a trap breaks down, that team will move to an available trap as determined by the Board of Directors.
  19. Shooting will may be postponed due to heavy rain or lightning. Any team that refuses to shoot in the rain we will use their averages minus 10 birds per shooter, except for qualifying weeks.
  20. Delays or cancellations to be determined by the Board of Directors.
  21. Team makeup must be shot with permission from three club Directors, and they are required to supply their own trap help. If a team can’t shoot a makeup round, they will use their average minus five birds per shooter.
  22. Any individual shooter/team may shoot ahead of their league night and their assigned time slot if that shooter/team can’t be there. That shooter/team must shoot prior to the week they will miss. That shooter/team will be responsible for having a club key holder, not a team member, open and score for them. If any shooter/team can’t shoot in the week of or prior to the week they’ll miss, they will use their average minus five birds per shooter.
  23. The Summer League Banquet, shoot-offs and awards will be held on the second Wednesday after league is complete. Captains are responsible for verifying their own team and team members shoot-offs. Shoot-offs will begin at 6:30 p.m. Any team/individual not present for their shoot-off will forfeit. Ties for High Average and High Gun per class will shoot-off at the longest yard of their class. High Average takes precedent over High Gun.
  24. Only one High Average or High Gun trophy per person. To be eligible for either, you have to shoot a minimum of 11 weeks. High Average is calculated on 11 weeks. You can throw out up to three low scores for High Average.


    1. There will be a sub list posted on the board.
    1. Regular team shooter cannot sub.
    1. All sub scores will not exceed the average of the absent shooter by a maximum of five targets. If the sub’s score is less than the absent shooter average, that will be the posted score.
    1. If no sub is available, the absent shooter’s score will be his/her 50 target average minus five targets. If absent shooter doesn’t have an average, remaining team members average from the night will be used to calculate score.
    1. Subs have to shoot at least 11 times for one team to be eligible for High Gun or High Average.
  1. Subs that are signed up with a specific team can shoot for other teams.

Revised April 2024

It is our club policy to not carry in alcohol. We do sell beer on site. Please support our club by buying beer at the club. We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you.

2021 Summer League

2021 Summer League Team Scores 

2021 Summer League Yardage/Times/Trap #


2020 Summer League

2020 Summer League Results

2020 Summer League Team Scores

•Our goal is to have scores updated Saturday, no promises
•Any changes in yardage will be noted on your following weeks score sheet
•If you have any questions please e-mail HeartofWiSC@gmail.com

2018 Summer League Scores

2017 Summer League Scores

2016 Summer League Scores

Information About the League 2025

The ten (10) week team league begins on Wednesday, January 8th and will end March 12.
Shooting begins at 6:00 p.m.
There is a $50.00 sponsor fee per team and a $10.00 weekly target fee per shooter. Non-members also pay a $10.00 league fee.

This is a 50-target league – 25 16-yard targets followed by 25 handicap targets.
Handicap yardage will be determined by teams 16-yard score divided by 5 and adding 2 yards.
The 1st place team each week will be handicapped by team’s 16-yard score divided by 5 and adding 4 yards.
Most other Wednesday night summer league rules will apply accordingly.
Winter league questions contact Rod Crawford at 715-459-2451. 

Outside Shooting Events

Contact Us

Email: heartofwisc@gmail.com
Phone: (715) 325-5163

Address: 969 Ranger Rd,
Wisconsin Rapids, WI